For the first time ever, you’ll be able to join Global Intrapreneur Week in-person as well as online at events covering all time-zones and at numerous locations around the globe.
Online sessions throughout the week are held on Howspace, a special platform which allows interaction and conversations. If you already have your ticket, we're waiting for you there!
In person meetups are being organized around the world. Check what is your closest one and join them.

3 pm CET/ 9 am EDT
Inner Development Goals: fostering the inner capacity to deliver the SDGs.
Michael Wernstedt | Inner Development Goals
5 pm CET/ 11 am EDT
POWER HOUR: Networking with intrapreneurs across the world

5:30 pm CET/ 11:30 am EDT
Jens Gengenbach | Ørsted
6 pm CET/ 12 pm EDT
Intrapreneur's Compass:
a tool for building your capacity to drive change from within
Benjamin Nyamu Makai | Safaricom
Samiya Abdi | Public Health Ontario
Kristina Drenker | One Young World Ambassador
Gabriela Ottoboni | Sicredi Dexis
Toni Plöchl | BMW Startup Garage
Jessica Jones | One Young World Switzerland
8 pm CET/ 2 pm EDT
Courageous Narratives: Internal narratives that keep us from acting
Catherine Connors | Demeter Media
Maggie De Pree | League of Intrapreneurs
9 pm CET / 3 pm EDT
From Pledge to Community: Measuring the Impact of $50bn in Corporate Commitments to Equity
Saidah Nash Carter | Bright Insights Global LLC
Seth Hufford | The People Group
10 pm CET/ 4 pm EDT
El coraje para ser Intraemprendedor e impactar en la región de América Latina
Lorena Fabiola Guillé Laris | Fundación FEMSA
Carolina Suárez | Latimpacto
Verónica Melzi | Belcorp Foundation
Lina Montoya | Corporación Interactuar
10 pm CET/ 4 pm EDT
Alda Marina de Campos Melo | Pares
Karin Baumgart Srougi | Baumgart Group
Agatha Abrahao | Grupo Aguia
Mariana Beira Montero | Química Amparo Grupo
11 pm CET/ 5 pm EDT / 8 am AEST
POWER HOUR: Networking with intrapreneurs across the world

11:30 pm CET/ 5:30 pm EDT / 8:30 am AEST
Dave O’Brien | Bon Sel Initiative
12 am CET/ 6 pm EDT/ 9 am AEST ( +1)
Coleen McCormick | Connected Communities
Taciana Abreu | Farm Rio


9 am CET/ 6 PM AEST
Public Intrapreneurs: Busting through bureaucracy for the public good
Tanja Faller | GIZ
Ulrich Hörning | General Administration in Leipzig
Maysoun Douas Maadi | Madrid City Council
Katherine Leong | Homes Victoria
10 am CET/ 7 pm AEST/ 4 pm Singapore
Hosted by SC Ventures | Standard Chartered
Jason Wiggin | SC Ventures - Standard Chartered Bank
Angie Ng | SC Ventures - Standard Chartered Bank
11 am CET / 8 PM AEST
Michel Bachmann | The Value Web
Jolana Amara | League of Intrapreneurs
12 pm CET/ 9pm AEST
POWER HOUR: Networking with intrapreneurs across the world

12 pm CET/ 9pm AEST
Stuart Mills | Salesforce
1 pm CET / 7 am EDT
Dealing with Transitions: Organizational change and how to navigate through it
Femke Bartels | THNK
Christina Williams | THNK
1 pm CET / 7 am EDT

François Bonnici | Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
2 pm CET/ 8 am EDT
Marcelo Cardoso | Chie
Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer | EB Capital
3 pm CET/ 9 am EDT
Saugata Banerjee | EssilorLuxottica
3:30 pm CET/ 9:30 am EDT
POWER HOUR: Networking with intrapreneurs across the world

4 pm CET/ 10 am EDT
Frederic Laloux | The Week
Omérine MAES | Decathlon
5 pm CET/ 11 am EDT
Feminist Leadership: More women in power or a new way to lead?
Florencia Estrade | League of Intrapreneurs
Sophia Seawell | FAIR SHARE of Women Leaders
Tatiana Sadala | Todas Group
Saranel Benjamin | Oxfam GB
6 pm CET/ 12 pm EDT
Courage To F*Up: Celebrating Failures as a key component of an intrapreneur's journey
Julio Salazar | Fuckup Nights & Cirklo
7 pm CET / 1 pm EDT
Jon Alexander | New Citizenship Project
8 pm CET / 2 pm EDT
Os desbravadores brasileiros e os desafios da transformação social dentro das grandes empresas
Alda Marina de Campos Melo | Pares
Helen Pedroso | L'Oreal
Sandra Boccia | Editora Globo
Luiza Saravia | Liga de Intraemprendedores

14th October

online session