Medibank Private and LOI Melbourne Activator (since 2017)
Human Centred & Customer Experience Capability Lead
Asia Pacific
Creative thinking
Navigating Politics
Community Building
Why are you stepping up as a Mentor?
As a practicing intrapreneur for 10+ years here in Melbourne, Australia (in very large Corporates) - being part of the LOI changed my perspective and mindset - I realised there were other 'crazy' and 'unique' people that had the courage to do things differently, to measure success differently and that were driven by different values.
Having had the incredible privilege of working with the LOI for some time, I have met the most incredible individuals. I've listened and learned from each and everyone I've met and .. it's time to give back!; and
Knowing the value of what mentorship brings to both: mentee and mentor, I am thrilled to be part of this program.
Why is mentorship important for intrapreneurs' journey?
Given my years of experience in this space, one thing is clear to me - the challenges, the experiences and the feelings we have regardless of geography, sector or language are not very different. Therefore, we CAN learn from one another. We CAN support and share experiences with each other and having a mentor that has been there and done that before can be valuable in many ways.
Intrapreneurship can be lonely, challenging and some days just exhausting. Mentorship can ideally make this journey a less lonely one and when you have someone in your corner that is there to advice and guide you when you need it most - it can make all the difference in the world!
In what ways can you support intrapreneurs?
Having lived in three very different continents and cultures - I've learnt to adapt, to listen and to learn. Having been a mentor for some years across different programs and when you combine that with 25 years of professional experience, 10+ years as a practicing Intrapreneur and most recently as a Human Centred 'warrior' -leading capability uplift in HCD and Customer Experience Design... I believe I can help people with:
Embedding and driving change towards a more Human Centred approach to solving problems
Understanding how to identify, connect and better communicate with key stakeholders
Managing your time and energy to focus on the long game and the ultimate goal - in a nutshell, managing & building your resilience
.. But it will mostly depend on what YOU need at the time and where you are in YOUR journey!
Why should intrapreneurs be part of the League?
I will let YOU answer that for yourself.. after you have some experience meeting, engaging and learning from this incredible group of people.
Each and everyone has their own 'WHY' - mine is clear and happy to share when we meet ;)